Welcome to our blog! I originally started this blog in November 2010 just prior to having a major brain surgery to remove a large bleeding cavernous angioma from a deep part of my brain. You can best understand the gravity of our experience by reading the first several entries.(Nov 2010-Dec 2010) I wrote the first one and my sweet, adoring husband, John, wrote the next several (while I was too sick to do much of anything) that documented surgery, immediate recovery, and our reaction to the surgery complication (stroke)that was revealed 2 days after surgery. This recovery process has been difficult but we are making it. We appreciate all the kind words of encouragement we have received and we would like to thank everyone that has participated in helping us along this difficult journey. Also, if you have any questions about my personal experience, please leave them as a comment or contact me directly at thankfulforeveryday@yahoo.com and I will respond although I am not a doctor and this is not a replacement for medical care or advise. Please ask a real professional, or probably several. :) I hope to be able to help at least one person along the challenging road of brain surgery and recovery.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Day 13 No news is good news!

Hello to all!!! This is Elizabeth writing!!!

OK, I'm back not quite 100%...but I'm feeling pretty good considering the circumstances. So we got in about 8:00pm last night and our trip was rather uneventful...thankfully! Today I mostly rested all day, I took a shower and practiced some of my exercises which felt good. I want to make sure I keep moving exponentially in the right direction. There is at least one thing stronger than this so called "brain damage from the stroke"...and that's my will to get back to being "me"!!! So it's time for practice, practice, practice! I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow with my neurologist so I'm hopeful she can point me in the direction of a great outpatient rehab that's local. I tried to get an appointment with the neuro-ophthalmologist but he said I need a referral. I told the office girl...I have a PPO… just had brain surgery and am having tremendous problems with my eyes, I'm referring myself. She didn't buy it...so I made an appointment with the regular ophthalmologist for next week.... so I guess it's gonna be awhile before I get my eyes all fixed up. I was hoping that getting people to take me seriously was not going to be a problem after surgery...I don't think they just cut your head open for fun....duh..there’s something wrong!!! My eyes are worse than ever and I would like to get them fixed ASAP. They currently are a huge source of discomfort...AKA dizziness. I guess it's going to be a few weeks before I can work on fixing my eyes :(

 Again I would like to thank everyone that has helped along our journey and everyone that has offered kind words of love and encouragement. I'm sure the positive energy helped me to meet milestones that were equivalent at times to miracles. Thanks so much to each and every one of you! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!! 

I will write more soon...



  1. Hi Elizabeth,
    It's really great to read your very own entries!
    I can so relate w/the vision problems w/deep brain surgery and for me, TIME has helped.
    You are an amazing, inspiring, strong woman and I'm so happy the scariest part of the 'journey' is behind you.
    Onward and upward, but do be gentle and kind to yourself, get LOTS of rest and allow your sweetheart to pamper you! :)
    Hugs & well wishes,

  2. Elizabeth! it's so great to hear from you :) From your writing I'd never know you had had a stroke, but I'm sure you you feel is a lot different. Good luck at your appointment next week. You are already making big strides!

    Still thinking of you,


  3. Hi Elizabeth & John.
    I have read all of your AMAZING husband's updates and have been not only very moved but also it took me back to being at Barrow's myself. I too remember walking those halls and packing up to leave...and the long, exhausting journey home AND first time being back in my own bed. Thank you John for that because it feels good to reflect on such a life changing experience, one that I will always will remember with fondness. And only someone, like us, who's gone through that can understand that.
    Elizabeth, I am so relieved to hear of your progress-you are a trooper! I hope that your jaw improves quickly. I am sorry to hear about your eyes-how frustrating that must be.
    It was nice to hear about your visit with Mae and Becky....I could just imagine you all there. I wished that I could have been there too just for support. I certainly would have if I could have :)
    I am thrilled that you are now home as a family and will enjoy Christmas together, with this chapter behind you. Cheers to a fresh, New Year!
    Linda (from Angioma Alliance)

  4. Elizabeth!!!! So glad to see that you're at home making your way back into the daily groove. Envisioning beautiful healing light around you 3 at all times. Stay strong and keep up the good work. Cant wait to see you next year for Tirabassi x-mas looking beautiful in one of your famous pairs of platform wedge shoes I admire so much every time I see you! Have a MERRY CHRISTMAS... enjoy the good food and family.


  5. hi sis! (and john!)

    i'm so glad your drive went well- didn't realize it's quite the trek home for you.. 7 hours or so? i hope that you enjoyed the meals and the sign chris made for you guys...hopefully, they help make life a little easier in terms of not having to worry about cooking, etc. for a little while. i didn't get dad or your mom's cooking gene, so let's pray they taste alright! ;)

    i didn't have internet for a few days, so i'm just now catching up on your blogs... i do typically read your updates everyday. your determination is beyond admirable, and it will surely pay off in terms of recovery. it seems like you're already making leaps and bounds... very, very good to hear.

    if i don't see you during the holidays, as i assume you guys will be exhausted and want to spend christmas together at home, i hope you have a wonderful time and you'll be missed.

    love, britt

  6. Hi Elizabeth and John,

    This is my second time reading on your blog and I read your information before your surgery. You are a very brave gal and you deserve lots of credit for what you have and will go through as I am only a few months ahead of you (August 10th was my surgery date with Steinberg in Palo Alto).

    The main reason for me to write at this moment is the eye thing. I did not drive for six weeks because of my eyes. I was dizzy, after about 2pm I couldn't focus on anything including the tv as everything came in twos, and then the colors were very strange as there was no time frame on those they would just show up (yellows, purples, whites, etc.). However, I have great news! It went away! After about four weeks I stopped seeing in such a strange way and my eye sight pretty much returned to normal. I hope this will be the case for you.

    I am on angioma alliance as well and will keep up with your progress. You are doing great and remember one very important thing: don't rush the progress as we have been told from our neurologists it takes a long time to heal and it really does.

    Keep well,
    Michele (mom2010 on angioma)
