Welcome to our blog! I originally started this blog in November 2010 just prior to having a major brain surgery to remove a large bleeding cavernous angioma from a deep part of my brain. You can best understand the gravity of our experience by reading the first several entries.(Nov 2010-Dec 2010) I wrote the first one and my sweet, adoring husband, John, wrote the next several (while I was too sick to do much of anything) that documented surgery, immediate recovery, and our reaction to the surgery complication (stroke)that was revealed 2 days after surgery. This recovery process has been difficult but we are making it. We appreciate all the kind words of encouragement we have received and we would like to thank everyone that has participated in helping us along this difficult journey. Also, if you have any questions about my personal experience, please leave them as a comment or contact me directly at thankfulforeveryday@yahoo.com and I will respond although I am not a doctor and this is not a replacement for medical care or advise. Please ask a real professional, or probably several. :) I hope to be able to help at least one person along the challenging road of brain surgery and recovery.

Friday, July 26, 2013

The power of Hope

I came across a blog that is new to me a few days ago, and I need to share it. I just LOVE, LOVE stories of hope, love, and commitment conquering the "impossible". Never let anyone steal your hope, dreams, and desire to achieve that which is labeled impossible. Doctors, especially neurologists, in my opinion, love to rain on your parade. It seems as if most of them take pride in sharing the doom and gloom in every situation. No matter what they tell you, your recovery does not have a deadline...it's never over until you say it is. If you want to get better,... do different, new, intense therapies, stay positive, and keep working. With hope....all is possible. The blog I found is called Hope Heals @ www.hopeheals.com  I love the name, the premise, and their story. It's a love story of a new mother and wife that suffered a massive brainstem bleed due to an AVM, and a loving devoted husband that supported and continues to support his wife every step of the way! In many ways it reminded me of our story, except her condition was much more severe than mine. They have put together a video telling their story, and it's very well done. Enjoy! 


  1. I had to keep reminding myself to breath while I watched this video and wiped my eyes away. Felt the hairs stand up on the back of my neck when I saw she was wearing a necklace with an anchor. Thanks for sharing this.
